The perfect no downtime facelifting!
Solve your skin problem with Dual Hand pieces!
- Sagging cheeks
and square jaw
Lifting Effects - No surgery!
Non invasive - Sagging cheeks,
Double chin!
Reduce Fat cell effects - Make skin
look younger
Collagen - Make brighten
and even skin
Skin tone up!
What is Inmode lifting?
Inmode laser is a non-invasive treatment that delivers radio frequency heating, ending each interval with a High Voltage Pulse to break down fat cell and use Multi-Polar to increase collagen production.
Inmode is particularly effective for lifting,
wrinkles removal, and brightens skin tone.
Inmode is particularly effective for lifting,
wrinkles removal, and brightens skin tone.
💫 September Event 💫
* All prices KRW, VAT not included
Inmode Morpheus8 Whole Face
& Neck
+ Eravity Lifting
+ Shurink Universe 300 shots
& Neck
+ Eravity Lifting
+ Shurink Universe 300 shots
Inmode FX + Forma
+ Eravity Full Face
+ Eravity Full Face
Inmode Forma + Eravity Full Face
Ulthera 400 shots + Eravity Lifting
+ Shurink Universe 300 shots
+ Shurink Universe 300 shots
Ulthera 600 shots + Eravity Lifting
+ Shurink Universe 300 shots
+ Shurink Universe 300 shots
Thermage FLX
Thermage 600 shots
+ Eravity Lifting
+ Shurink Universe 300 shots
+ Eravity Lifting
+ Shurink Universe 300 shots
Thermage 900 shots
+ Eravity Lifting
+ Shurink Universe 300 shots
+ Eravity Lifting
+ Shurink Universe 300 shots
Ulthermage (Ulthera + Thermage)
Ulthera 400 shots
+ Thermage 600 shots
+ Eravity Lifting
+ Shurink Universe 300 shots
+ Thermage 600 shots
+ Eravity Lifting
+ Shurink Universe 300 shots
Rejuran 4cc + LDM + LED
Rejuran 8cc + LDM + LED
Rejumate Add on 90,000KRW per 2cc
Juvelook 1 vial
Juvelook + Mirajet Full face
Korean brands 1cc
Korean brands 4cc + Smartlux
Imported brands (Belotero, Juviderm, Restylane) 1cc
Imported brands (Belotero, Juviderm, Restylane) 4cc + Smartlux
Principle of INMODE
Applied VaccumVaccum applied and contact with eletrodes is measured
Deliver RF energyRF energy is applied skin temperature is monitored tissue is heated up to 45-47℃
Applied High voltage pulseNanoseond high voltage pulse is applied causing elctro poration
MINI FX : To Contour double chin and sagging cheeks and Fat cell Apoptosis by HVP energy at 45-47℃
Mini FX delivers radio frequency energy and HVP (High Voltage Pulse) to SMAS under skin layers to regenerate collagen and remove useless fat cells.
Forma: To remodel collagen and elastin by Multi-polar RF system
Forma deliver Multi-polar from outer skin layer to dermis under skin layer at 43℃ to regenerate collagen and elastin
Comparison of Lifting between U device and Inmode
U device
LiftingEffectsLifting, Remove wrinkles,
Increase tightening, Improve skin tone -
Apply Numbing creamAnesthesiaNone
Under 30 minutesTime of procedure25 minutes
6 months~ 1yrLasting1 yr 6 months ~ 2yr
Medium StrongPowerStrong
No downtimeDowntimeNo downtime
Deliver energy under skin and SMAS layer
to regenerate collagenCharacteristicsRemove fat cell under SMAS layer to increase collagen with a High Voltage Pulse
Inmode is extremely popular in the US and Canada,
and has been featured on numerous medical TV shows in America.
Many celebrities swear by this treatment
- USA EXTRAAmerican TV program that introduce celebrity , scan , photo and video
- USA Dr. OZ SHOWPopular and faithful program in USA host hit health show by general surgeon Dr. OZ
- USA Racheal RayAmerican favorite's TV program in USA host by Racheal Ray
Recommend Inmode lifting for those
- Who concern about double chin or chubby cheeks
- Who concern about saggy cheeks with a lack of elasticity
- Who is afraid of the pain during the procedures
- Who want to achieve V-line and remove fine lines
- Who want to achieve lifting effect with no downtime
Please feel free to ask questions about treatment anytime.
Patient Reviews
Aquapeeling treatment//Aqua peel // Aqua peel is a skin care and quick and effective on all skin types. It has 3 stages that melts the sebum to induce a gradual and natural exfoliation, finishing by distributing vitamins all the face. The result is making a clean and hydrated skin ton...
LDM Ultra sound liftingOne of our Chinese patient come to our clinic and give us her review for LDM treatment in our clinic. She has done for Acne scar treatment two times at our clinic before. ...
Rejuran Healer Injector, REJUMATE[Rejuran Healer Injector, REJUMATE] Hello^^ This is one of workers at Hwagok branch of Renewme Skin Clinic.These days the weather is dry and cold from windy. We feel dry our face more than other seasons. Even if we change moisturizer products or essence line, it doesn’t help...
Shennyyang Power Blogger Testimonial for Doublo gold, Thread lifting,Today, Singapore celebrity blogger, " Shennyyang" revisited to our clinic to have a consultation and treatment for Double chin removal. She visited our clinic 2 years ago for mini-liposuction. She said that it was great to show the effects and she wanted to see Dr. ha for her d...
DNA dermal rejuvenation, EXCEL V , PRP, PicoEnlithenIf you are a lipstick lover in Vietnam, you must be really familiar with this name “ Changmakeup” . The pretty youtuber at first was famous for her interesting lipstick swatch videos on the internet but now she has become one of the most influenced young people in Vietnam a...